
Showing posts from September, 2015

My Break-Up Letter to Certain Gaming Websites - It's Not Me, It's You

As a gaming nerd, I tend to find a few places on the web to plant myself for news, reviews and forum discussions. Recently, I've decided to pack my bags, take my lamp, my chair and my paddle game and move on from a few of them. Here's a few of the notable ones. GameFAQs: Imagine being dropped off at a playground that is populated only by schoolyard bullies. And you forgot to wear pants that day. That's GameFAQs.  And, in between beatings, you may ask where all the parents are... but then it slowly dawns on you—half of these people. ARE. The parents.  If you need a quick tip on how to unlock a certain trophy, fine. But do it quickly and do NOT, under any circumstances, visit the forums. In that Mad Maxian-dystopia, you will question how the laws of physics can sustain a universe where so many bullies can so densely populate one area without existence collapsing on itself.  But, but, but... YouTube. No. If you thought nothing could be worse than YouTube co...